Oh How I Wish To See You Go Gray
I want to see how the wrinkles form on your face
The patterns of emotion that get imprinted over time and repetition
Will you get that crease mark between your eyes from frowning or concentrating?
Will you get those lines around the edges of your lips from smiling that wide, toothy grin of pleasure?
I want to see how gravity pulls at your body, what is dragged down as you inhabit this earth over decades
I want to see what rises up in you as you age
What gets pulled, exposed to the forefront
That which cannot be denied about how you lived your life
Will the light shine brighter as the skin grows thinner
Or will the dullness win out?
Will you seem more expansive in your old age or will you shrink down, diminish?
I hope I get to see the exposed beauty of your spirit more clearly
I hope that the longer we’re here the more we seem to melt from physical form
That we shine so brightly we eventually burst open.
Absorbed back into the light.
Oh what a privilege
That would be
To see.