Anger Arc
I talk about my anger in the third person
I immediately disconnect from it
even before it escapes my lips
When I am in a fit of fury
raging against injustice
it is engrained in my bones
to disassociate from it
I cannot own this
That is not mine
That cannot be me
I scream til I’m blue in the face
seething in red hot coals
Teeth gritting
Gut clenched
Do not let this feeling go any deeper
Cut it off before it cuts
me or someone I love
or both
But if I stop to listen
to follow its arc
like a meteor blazing across the sky
it evenentually fades and dies out
No earthly blast
no bodies strewn
limbs scattered
Instead, we all watch it
holding our lover’s hand
with our jaw dropped
in amazement and awe
We make a wish, even
What if our anger
could produce
the same
What if we could see that same meteor
not up in the sky
but within us
with every sweep of anger
and not fear it
but watch it