There will come a time

I know there will come a time,

whether for a passing moment

or forever,

when I will no longer be able

to reach out to hold your hand.

I know there will come a time

when I will long for your body next to mine

and the days stretch on for eternities.

the summer,

once full of possibility and wide open,

will feel too hot and too empty

to bare.

I will walk the places,

where we used to walk in blissful silence, 

with a sorrowful cry in my throat,

a pounding in my ears.

But I will walk

and I will remember

no matter how beautiful the memories—

the impossibly golden sunsets

or how deep the pull of grief

There will come a time

when I will call out for you

and hear the echoing silence

of a cavernous heart

where love runs so deep

and a lifetime is forever

engrained on its walls.


What goes on in the hearts of dolphins?


To my parents