You are enough


You are doing enough to raise your child with love and present attention

You are doing enough to care for yourself, to grow and transform

You are doing enough to be available to your family and friends

You are doing enough in your participation within your community

You are doing enough to bring love into the world

Trust your instincts and intuition, dear one

You will know when to act, when to be still, when to listen, and when to fight

Don’t worry yourself with the guilt that has been instilled in you

From our culture of consumerism and productivity

Which thrives on making you feel less than

That you are lacking or in need of something — anything — else

The message that you are lost

The culture which sucks life and power

By keeping you in your head and mental processing

Disconnected from your feeling, loving heart

Your heart that softly—

So quietly it’s easy to miss

Reminds you that you are enough

Just as you are

You need nothing else

No lesson

No material goods

No more externally imposed ideas or mindsets

You have it all within you

You have it all in your heart

Make no mistake— 

This is not complacency

This is active acceptance

A reclamation

A revolution of the heart

Pay attention to that loving call

Not the ever changing sirens luring you to the perilous rocks

But the steady, silent call

The tugless pull off your heart strings

Calling you home

To yourself

Which is forever more than enough

As is


Cornstarch and Water