I like starting fresh but I need nothing new


I like starting fresh - looking at the new year as a restart - but I need nothing new. I need what is old... what is so old and ancient within me that I have forgotten it exists.

I need that ancient magic that runs through my veins. I need the light that I hold within me, which has been burning for centuries.

I need that brave child that remembers the safety of its mother’s womb and boldly stepped foot on the earth for the first time knowing it had, up to that point, only fallen in attempt. 

I need that wild maiden self that loved and lived with reckless abandon.

I need that old wise soul of my crown self that is patiently waiting to guide me on my decent back into darkness.

I need the mother and warrior that I am living now. The one who loves fiercely and deeply and who feels with the same magnitude of power that pulls the tides into cycle with the moon.

May this year and decade ahead guide me back to myself. May I be whole. May I be completely here.


To my parents


The Full Womxn